50mm f/1.2 Noctilux夜神始祖
1960年到1980年代,徕卡M的主力镜头设计都是加拿大的曼德勒团队,德国走了另外一条路子,就是ASPH,而且第一只镜头是两片ASPH,被称为双非。这个镜头太贵了,十几万,也是藏品。我摸了一家店里的Noctilux 50 1.2,拍了张电水壶。店主又拍了一张我。谢谢,好贵,我把钱包攥出了汗( ̄◇ ̄;)也就够个零头。捏手捏脚的还给店主。

- 徕卡产品号 -11820。
- 生产时代 -1966-1975年1757镜头
- 镜头卡座 -徕卡M型卡口
- 透镜/组数 – 4组6片
- F档位范围 -f / 1.2-f / 16
- 最近对焦距离 -1 m /3.28 ft
- 最小视场 -410 x 620 mm
- 光圈叶片 -16片
- 视角对角线-45度
- 材料 -黑色阳极氧化铝
- 尺寸长度x直径-60 x 61毫米/ 2.36 x 2.40英寸
- 重量 -470克/16.7盎司
SN开始 | SN结束 | 产品 | 年 | 总 |
2176701 | 2176900 | 50毫米f / 1.2 Noctilux | 1966年 | 约200 |
2247651 | 2247900 | 50毫米f / 1.2 Noctilux | 1967年 | 约250 |
2254401 | 2255400 | 50毫米f / 1.2 Noctilux | 1968年 | 约1000 |
2556551 | 2557550 | 50毫米f / 1.2 Noctilux | 1973年 | 约1000 |
总 | 已分配 | 序列号 | 1966-1973年 | 少于2,450 |
2021年更新:徕卡复刻50mm f/1.2 Noctilux asph

徕卡NOCTILUX-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. 镜头

独特画质,隽永魅力 ,摄影史之里程碑
徕卡Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH.镜头依照现代镜头设计标准全新校准设计,它的问世标志着徕卡M系列最经典的镜头之一重新回归。这款标志性镜头经久不衰的魅力,在于其快速成像的功能(即便在今天看来也足以令人惊叹)、构造精密的非球面镜片,以及在最大光圈下高度还原、呈现独特美感的成像。初版Noctilux 50 f/1.2发布于1966年,至1975年停产,总产量仅为1757个。
Unique image quality and nostalgic charm.A Milestone in Photography History。
Carefully adapted in line with modern lens design, the Leica Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. marks the return of one of the most famous lenses made for the Leica M-System. The reasons for the enduring appeal of this iconic lens have been its speed, elaborately constructed aspherical lens elements, and high rendition quality with a unique aesthetic at open aperture. The original Noctilux 50 f/1.2 was produced from 1966 to 1975 at a total quantity of 1,757 units.
黑夜中的街灯、汽车尾灯、烛光中孩子的脸蛋、聚光灯下的表演者…… Noctilux捕捉到的图像真实、自然、清晰,拥有细腻的焦外画质,呈现出印象派画作般的美感。来自全球各地的摄影师带着它去完成一个个视觉与创意的挑战,讲述暗与光的精彩故事。

A lens illuminates the Night
A street light in the dark, the rear lights of a car, a child’s face in candlelight, a performer in the spotlight – depicted with an authentic and natural clarity: images captured with a Noctilux are characterized by an unmistakable bokeh, and an almost impressionist aesthetic. Photographers the world over use this exceptional tool to master visual and creative challenges, and tell fascinating stories of darkness and light.

摄影师米兰·斯沃尔夫斯最广为人知的是他那兼顾滑稽性和复古风的艺术画像,看到它们会让人想到20世纪20年代和30年代令人记忆深刻的好莱坞风格。“新款徕卡Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH.镜头让我们回归到世界上第一款采用非球面镜片的镜头,它捕捉到的图像色泽柔和,拥有精致的焦外画质,尽管时岁变迁,它们依然能够经典流传。”
Photographer Milan Swolfs is best known for his burlesque and vintage-style fine art portraits that bring to mind the unforgettable Hollywood glamour of the 1920s and 1930s.“The new Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. marks the revival of the world’s first lens with aspherical elements.It allows me to create timeless portraits with a wonderful bokeh and soft skin tones.”

斯沃尔夫斯并没有借鉴其他摄影师的作品,而是通过老电影、经典艺术作品以及伦勃朗和弗米尔等荷兰大师在绘画中运用光线的技巧汲取灵感。除新款外,他还拥有一个老式的Noctilux 50 f/1.2镜头。他装上新款Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH.镜头,进行了一场淋漓尽致的现场测试,证实了新版镜头与初版一样,在最大光圈下捕捉到的成像具有鲜明的辨识度。此外,当Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH.镜头稍微收缩光圈后,能呈现出非常清晰的还原效果,因而适合各种日常拍摄场景。
Rather than looking to the work of other photographers, Swolfs draws inspiration from old movies, timeless works of art, and the way in which Dutch Masters such as Rembrandt and Vermeer utilized light in their paintings. The photographer, who is also the owner of a vintage Noctilux 50 f/1.2, has taken the new Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. on a thorough field test. His findings confirmed that the original’s distinctive look at open aperture has been retained in the new model. In addition, the Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. delivers an extremely sharp rendition when slightly stopped down – making the new lens suitable for everyday shooting scenarios across the board.

1966年,Noctilux 50 f / 1.2凭借其革命性的光学特性震惊了博览会参观者和商业媒体。 镜头提供了当时标准的最大光圈,并具有出色的光学性能。 部分原因是Noctilux是世界上第一个批量生产的具有两个非球面镜片的镜片。 他们的目的是减少最大光圈下的球差并提高再现质量。 为了重新发行这款标志性镜片,仅对原始的计算和构造进行了最小的改动,并仔细适应了当今可用的玻璃类型和生产方法。
In 1966, the Noctilux 50 f/1.2 astounded expo visitors and the trade press with its positively revolutionary optical attributes. The lens offered a maximum aperture that was enormous by the standards of the time, in conjunction with an exceptional optical performance. This was partly due to the fact that the Noctilux was the world’s first serially produced lens to feature two aspherical elements. Their purpose was to reduce spherical aberration at maximum aperture and improve rendition quality. To re-issue this iconic lens, the original calculation and construction were only minimally changed, and carefully adapted to the glass types and production methods available today.
徕卡Noctilux-M 50 f / 1.2 ASPH 复刻银色限量版
原始版本的Noctilux 50 f / 1.2是最早黑色表面处理的徕卡量产镜头之一。 Noctilux 50 f / 1.2原型中含有少量银色版本, 如今,它们已成为最令人垂涎且价格最高的M镜头之一。 为了向超稀有的原始Noctilux银致敬,徕卡发布了Noctilux-M 50 f / 1.2 ASPH的特别版。 镀银铬,镜筒由黄铜而不是铝制成。 其包装的设计模仿了1966年的原始包装盒,镜头的前环不是传统的LEICA雕刻图案,而是带有LEITZ WETZLAR标记,就像原始的Noctilux 50 f / 1.2一样的刻字。全球仅供100枚。

Leica Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. in Silver
The Noctilux 50 f/1.2 was one of the first serially produced Leica lenses to feature a black finish. In the course of the transition from silver to black-paint lenses, Leica made a very small number of Noctilux 50 f/1.2 prototypes with a silver finish. Today, they are among the most coveted and highly priced M lenses in existence. As an homage to the ultra-rare original Noctilux in silver, Leica is also releasing a special edition of the Noctilux-M 50 f/1.2 ASPH. with a silver chrome finish and lens barrel made of brass rather than aluminum. Its packaging has been designed to emulate the original box of 1966, and instead of the customary LEICA engraving, the front ring of the lens is marked with LEITZ WETZLAR – just like the original Noctilux 50 f/1.2. Only 100 units of the special-edition model will be available worldwide.

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